
Terms & PrivacyPolicy

Please use this service after agreeing to the following terms and policy.

Oasis Browser Terms of Use

1. Application

These terms and conditions apply when you use the “Oasis Browser” application (hereinafter referred to as “the App”). By using the App, you agree to these terms.

2. Privacy

By using the App, you agree to the privacy policy as set forth below.

All intellectual property rights related to the App belong to us. Without our explicit permission, you may not reproduce, modify, distribute, sell, or publish the App or any part of it.

4. Usage Restrictions

You agree not to:

  • Misuse the functions of the App
  • Disrupt or disadvantage other users or third parties
  • Engage in illegal activities, or promote illegal activities
  • Upload inappropriate content, hacking, distributing viruses, sending spam

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your use of the App if you violate these terms or for any other reason.

5. Disclaimer

The App is provided “as is” without any express or implied warranties. We also do not take any responsibility for damages resulting from the use of the App.

6. Pricing

The operator reserves the right to change prices, billing models, or service fees. If changes occur, we will provide appropriate advance notice on the App. These changes will take effect at the time they are published. Continuous use of the service implies consent to such changes.

7. Revision

We can revise these terms at our discretion. The revised terms take effect when they are published on the App.

Oasis Browser Privacy Policy

1. Collection and Use of Personal Information

The “Oasis Browser” application (hereinafter referred to as “the App”) basically does not collect personal information of users. However, certain features may involve sending information (e.g., audio data when using the voice input feature) to third parties.

2. Providing Information to Third Parties

When the App provides information to third parties (Meta, Wit.ai, etc.), their privacy policy applies. By using certain features of the App, users are considered to have agreed to the privacy policy of the third party.

3. Voice Input

This application provides a voice input feature powered by Wit.ai. When using the voice input, audio data is collected from the user’s microphone and this data is transmitted to the third-party, Wit.ai, to be used for converting the voice into text. By using the voice input feature of this application, users expressly agree to the aforementioned process.

4. Cookies

The App uses cookies. Cookies are information sent from websites accessed within the browser of the App and stored on the user’s device. Users can manage the use of cookies in the settings of the App and delete cookies as necessary. However, we do not take any responsibility for cookies sent from websites accessed by the user.

5. Activities within the Browser

We are not responsible for the activities users engage in within the browser of the App or the content of the websites users access. Users are responsible for their activities within the browser.

6. Data Protection

We prioritize the protection of user data. However, we cannot guarantee the complete safety of information on the Internet.

7. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may revise this privacy policy at our discretion. The revised policy will be posted in the App or on our official website, and the applicable revisions will be applied.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy, please contact us.

By using this application, you agree to all the terms stated above.

Published: May 28, 2023